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How can i unlock anal scenes in sandbox?

There aren't many of them:

In 0.22b (and older releases):

- Mary's is unlocked as part of the option to invite her to your room, after Chapter 1 has been cleared.
- In the Christmas Special 2022 (separate download), Leyla has at least one anal animation in her epilogue scene.

In 0.23 (not public yet):

- Jenna's is added to her regular dungeon sandbox options.
- Emily's third dream has a new option to put it in, if she's at Relationship 2.
- On the Carnal Crystal (unlocked after Jenna joins the mansion), there's an anal fantasy for Iris.

I might have missed one, but for the most part that's all right now. Kate will get one soon.

This is the first game where I get all the patreon patches shown in my update list

Do you mean the changelog?

If yes, I just like to keep my changelogs as detailed and complete as possible.
Bit of a habit from many years ago, when I was releasing public mods for some games and contributing to open source projects.

I think they're talking about the automatic updates with the desktop application, the patreon posts show up as updates to the main game for some reason.

Ah, okay.

I was adding the link as 'download' so players interested in becoming a patron wouldn't have to scroll up the page again, but I didn't know the itch app presented it like that. I guess I should drop that approach to avoid confusion.

(1 edit)

When will pregnancy be able?

Probably in next major update (0.24).

Oh that's why there's a Pregnancy option..


Out of curiosity, how flat do the chests get in this game? The redhead seems decently small, but is there even smaller?


That's the flattest it gets, sorry.
Two other girls (one maid and one sidegirl, both are chapter 2 characters) don't have much more than that, though.

Aww. Is there any plans to add any? And is it possible to only go for specific characters and ignore the others? 

> Aww. Is there any plans to add any?

No, sorry. There's only 1 more girl planned, and she's on the curvier side.
In general, too small/flat boobs are unfortunately considered an indicator of a character potentially being underage by sites like Patreon, and there are no exact minimum size/depth values defined by them so as a dev you're somewhat at the whim of whoever checks your work.
Which is of course objectively bollocks, since biologically, flat areolas would be a much more accurate indicator of maturity than chest size, as the latter can vary greatly by nature and is heavily body-fat-percentage-influenced on top of that.

With that being said, there'll be a new side-project soon with a tall but relatively flat-chested girl, where all girls (well, at least their lewd scenes) are avoidable, and some of the later side-girls will also take it as far with the flatness as we feel we can go without repercussions.
It's going to be a while, though.

> And is it possible to only go for specific characters and ignore the others?

Well, sort of.
Not if you play the game 'properly' from the beginning, but it has a "Skip to" main menu option that lets you skip to a later point in the game.

If you jump to the beginning of chapter 2, you can watch the redhead's story scenes from Chapter 1 in her gallery and skip the 3 other original maids, and focus on the white-haired Ch2 maid, if her chest is small enough for you.

The sidegirl I mentioned is a bit later in Chapter 2, you can use the "Skip to" again and jump to the point "after Mary's Ch2 story" if you want to avoid the other girls as much as possible, then go to the mansion entrance during a workday afternoon, there should be a "?" icon, clicking that takes you to her story scene (she's the current cover girl).

I'm always disappointed by lewd game's lack of variety to characters. It's always majority comically large, and very, very, very rarely flat chested. And yeah, It's a sad reality that people are really unreasonable with this for some reason. Even though underage characters can easily have huge chests too. I am very interested in that character you mentioned for that side project. She sounds amazing. Even if regular height and flat chested are rare, even rarer are tall and flat chested women. Which I will always absolutely support the addition of!

I'm actually really looking forward to that, and I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my questions!


Hola buenas noches mi estimado amigo creador de este gran juego espero que esté bien le me gustaría pedirle una sugerencia yo sé que no tengo el derecho de solicitarle a usted este favor ya que no puedo colaborar con usted para que siga creciendo pero me gustaría si usted puede también colocar el juego para traducir también a español se que es un favor algo difícil pero me gustaría que estuviera en español si pudiera hacerme ese favor se lo agradecería mucho

Primero que nada, esta es una traducción de Google Translate, espero que sea lo suficientemente buena.  Lo siento, pero como no tenemos a nadie en el equipo con suficientes conocimientos de español y el esfuerzo organizativo y de tiempo para cada traducción, independientemente del idioma, sería relativamente alto, no nos ocuparemos de ello durante el desarrollo en curso. . ¡Sé que existe al menos una traducción no oficial de TM! Hay uno que también se mantiene, por lo que mi recomendación sería buscarlo. Tal vez después de la actualización final del contenido haya una traducción oficial basada en la traducción de un fan, pero no quiero prometerlo, ya que siempre no hay suficiente tiempo para todo el contenido y los nuevos proyectos que nos gustaría hacer.  Pido comprensión.

tranquilo mi estimado eso es si se podía hacer no hay problema gracias de nuevo y te felicito por tu trabajo a ti y a todo tu equipo me gusta mucho tu juego espero ver pronto la nueva actualización y tus otros nuevos proyectos 

Just curious, how long do the updates take usually?

It depends :)

On average, about 4-5 weeks for major content updates (once per month), although 0.22 and 0.23 were a bit faster at 3 weeks each.

0.24 is planned to launch early April (for patrons), but I might release a smaller 0.23.5 mid-March to shorten the wait, then 0.23 would become free a bit earlier, too.


This game will show in Discord activity. Don't know why that's a thing that keeps happening with porn games. I want to shamefully jerk off to anime girls in secret, like god intended.

You can disable that in preferences.

Generally speaking, for "basically free, but needs some support on patreon to keep developing it"-games like this, it's important to reach as many people as possible.
That being said, it's hard to say how much marketing benefit this particular feature actually has, and your point is of course valid ^^', so we might reconsider this.

Thanks for the feedback!

i cant find the new update content in my game ive tried installing the game again but no abby content

nevermind sorry ive found it now but not sure on how to find the other new content i have 50 attraction points with emily and iris but i cant invite them neither is the discipline option for jenna

The Emily + Iris and Jenna discipline scenes are in 0.23, which is patron-exclusive for now.

In 0.22b, the other new scenes apart from Abby are a scene with Mary + Iris in the kitchen and the lobby and garden scenes for Jenna.

ah ok thanks for letting me know are they going to become public anytime soon?

Public releases are usually 1 step behind the latest patron release, so 0.23 would become public when 0.24 is ready for patrons.

Both 0.23 for patrons and the public release of 0.22 only came out yesterday, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait a few weeks.

How can I find Abby

After Mary's Chapter 2 story path is cleared and you've met Claire, go to the mansion entrance (where Claire's and Melanie's sandbox icons  would be), there should be a new icon that lets you start Abby's event.

Okay thanks

(2 edits) (+1)

Brother thanks for bringing total maidness

PD: Emily's menu is buggy and it takes you out of the game.

Uh... which menu do you mean?
Are you getting an error message?

Emily's option gives an error and takes you out of the game

That's strange...
I can't reproduce the problem here.
Could you make a screenshot of the error message you are getting?


this is what is happening

Love the update! 😁

Can't wait for the next update! 

I for some reason get kick out when I try to play the game. Help

Hm... on what system (OS)/device are you trying to play TM?

realme C30s an Android but I think I have to update my phone...I don't know. 😔

Cual es la ala oeste

Hola xtone, me encanta este juego por favor podrías traducirlo al español el juego valoró mucho tu trabajo y esfuerzo este juego es maravilloso, te lo agradecería mucho saludos y un abrazo fuerte mi hermano 

Una pregunta amigo, porque no le introduces el idioma español a el juego, se que cuesta hacer los personajes, las cinemática por eso admiro tu trabajo y tu esfuerzo, pero desearía que aquí el creador tomara en cuenta a los que hablamos al español.

hola, soy co-developer, mi español és muy malo pero que se entras en nuestro discord te puedo dar el link de una traducion que no eres oficial

Pero tengo que ser miembro, no lo soy :,(

Hola buenas noches cuando habrá una nueva actualización

TM gets major updates approximately once per month.
New free updates come out when the next patron release is ready, and usually on a Thursday or Friday.

The next update will probably be on the 22nd or 29th this month, if everything goes as planned.

Cannot wait

Can't wait! 😁

um ive noticed recently that theres no bathroom in the mansion besides the option for the pool. soooo umm will we get to see a bathroom for shower scenes and shit or no?

Oh yeh that'd be hot, I'd like to see more scenes in the gymnasium

Ah y yo por ahora no he tenido problemas con el juego

Hola buenas tardes tengan todos espero que estén bien primero que nada los felicito por su juego me gusto mucho me gustaría saber solo 2 cosas si pronto podrá haber para traducir a español y lo 2 es para cuando saldra la nueva actualización

(1 edit)

mi español es horrible pero que si que existe un spanish patch (no somos nosotros que lo manteniemos), entra en nuestro discord y da me tag @xtone que te indico onde lo puedes encontrar

no entendí nada tu respuesta amigo por favor si puedes explicarme mejor me gustaría 

Either the apk is glitched or I have terrible RNG, but the fith ending for Kate's exhibition thing isn't showing up for me, I got the one where no one no one shows up, Emily shows, Mary shows and where Leyla shows

Terrible RNG can happen (it happened to myself during testing), but the Iris ending also needs you to have made enough progress with Iris, including having seen her exhib scene once (there are story reasons why the requirement is that high).

I guess I should add a hint about that somewhere...

Show post...

to expand on this, I spent 10 days of straight attempts, so that's 30 tries total and I _still_ didn't get it. This goes beyond bad RNG.

Sorry to hear that, but we tested this before the release and it worked as intended on our end.
As mentioned above, it's likely that the prerequisite for the Iris ending simply hasn't been fulfilled yet, but there's a low (but not zero) chance of bad RNG, too.

During testing when we had only Leyla's, Emily's and the 'nobody' ending and the probability was 40% for Emily and 30% for each of the others, I got Leyla's 9 times, Emily's 3 times and the nobody ending zero times in my first 12 attempts. I doubted the RNG, too... but when we ran tests in the 100eds, it started to even out and give the expected probabilities.

It's possible that RenPy's RNG implementation is a bit 'clumpy' somehow, but we need to use it to ensure savegame compatibility.

We'll try to improve this in the next update and also add in-game hints if the Iris ending isn't reachable yet.

im quite unsure about one thing, the side kate event, with the "go somewhere else" option, where do i find it? cuz ive checked every room, and i cant find it

That's an option among her sandbox options in her room, and you need to be in chapter 2.

Basically, visit her in her room during the day, and among the various options there should now be one to "Go somewhere (Exhibitionism)", if her relationship is at 5 already.

i made an account just to comment this... mary is so hot, can i please have her koikatsu card... or just the maid outfit is fine... im desperate 

do you have discord? if yes, contact me on our discord server and we can work something out.

Hola buenos días buenas tardes o buenas noches  tengan todos depende del país en que se encuentren espero que estén bien primero mi felicitaciones excelente juego una pregunta amigos no habrá la posibilidad que también allá la posibilidad que se traduzca también en español gracias y nuevamente felicitaciones

Sí, estoy de acuerdo en que Total Maidness es un juego excelente, por eso estoy emocionado una vez que termine el capítulo 2, el capítulo 3 podría serser una actualización masiva...

Sí, utilicé el traductor de Google para que puedas entenderlo, espero que esté bien traducido. 

when will update 0.21 come out for free

Next Thursday if everything goes well, Friday at latest.

February 1 or 2 thats cool, Im excited for the final maid.

Does she have like a problem the mc's gonna need to solve like mary?

Well... I guess you could say she has a problem, in a way... just don't expect too much on that front.

can't download or install new update and the error message doesn't fit on screen

Hm... this looks like an issue on's end... I'll upload some mirrors.

On my end (PC), the downloads work.

Is this via the itch app?

via the app. yes.

hm... I don't know how exactly the itch app works, so unfortunately I don't know if there's anything I could do on my end.

a possible workaround would be to open the itch web page with some browser and download the APK from there, then installing it.

How I find the paste with my save on Android? I Want to use in the next update

In Androids' case I'm not sure where the saves are stored.

However, normally it shouldn't matter, because as long as you don't delete your current installation and just update it with the new apk when it arrives, existing savegames should be kept and continue to work.

Thanks man, I didn't know that all you had to do was download the new version and it updates the old one, thanks for the tip!

When is the new update?

Update 0.21 will go into early access for Lv1 patrons later today and become public when 0.22 is ready for patrons, which will probably be around Feb 1st.

Deleted 58 days ago

I'm not sure what you mean?

Do you mean which file to download, or do you mean how to start the game after extracting the zip file?

Deleted 58 days ago

Are you on Android or a Windows/linux PC (or maybe Mac)?

For PC, you need to download the (PC) version above, unzip it somewhere and double-click the TotalMaidness.exe inside the extracted folder.

For an Android device, you need to download the (Android) version above and then tap on the downloaded apk to install the game (how or where to find downloads might depend on your device).

When will 0.21 go public?

When 0.22 is ready for patrons, which I'm targeting for the end of this month.

okay thank you for responding


When is 20.6 going to be public?


When 0.21 is released for patrons (very soon, probably Thursday next week).

Was this character added to the game or not? 


She'll arrive in update 0.21, which is almost done.

Fine, thank you 

is there a way to get my saves to the new update? i have 0.19.1

That should work without having to do anything.

TM (or any other Ren'Py-based game) stores duplicates of savegames in some central system user folder and loads them from there too, so even if you simply extract the new version to a new folder (on Win/Linux/Mac) or update your existing installation on Android, the saves should still be there.

If you're on Android, just make sure to NOT delete the old installation, simply run the new .apk and it should update the existing installation.

I cannot talk to Emily in the kitchen.

At what point in the game are you?

Emily normally isn't in the kitchen, so I'm not sure what you're trying to do.

the icon is on quick nav.

its fine now.

Oh, I see. It might already be fixed in the latest patron version, but I'll check just in case.
Thanks for reporting it.

I'm struggling to figure out this 3rd side girl you were talking about in the update am I missing something

Right now, there are two sidegirls in the game, the bank clerk Claire, and the policewoman Melanie.

If you managed to unlock both of them, that's all there is in terms of side girls right now.

The next new girl to arrive is the 6th maid, but that's going to be in update 0.21.

There an issue with Kate and the bank. No matter how many times I finish and go back to Kate to review. It just take me back again restarting the whole bank event

(1 edit)

Yes, that's a bug, sorry.

However, it can be avoided: Instead of choosing the Review option at her door, go to your room and click on the hovering message over your bed. That one also takes you right to the review, and this one works correctly.

I'll upload a fixed version soon, in the meantime everyone needs to click on the message in the MC's room instead of the choice at her door.

EDIT: This is fixed now.

How to unlock new maid?

Iris is unlocked at the start of chapter 2, although you need to headpat her a lot and go through her story to unlock the lewd content.

If you mean the new 6th maid that is previewed in the main menu, she's not in the game yet, she'll arrive with update 0.21 (the next update).

thanks for the reply.

(1 edit) (-1)

how do I get this scene?

Dungeon needs to be unlocked, both Emily and Leyla need to be unlocked as dungeon options (follow the hints if they aren't yet), then you need to have invited Leyla once and Emily twice (in Emily's case, you need to have had rough doggystyle sex in the dungeon twice).

Deleted 279 days ago

There should be a text option hovering over your bed if it's not night yet, or alternatively you can access the scene at her rooms' door.If you're still on the same day you talked to the bank clerk, it's possible that you need to go to the next day first, I don't remember exactly.

If it still doesn't work after that, I'll have to look into it.


How to impregnate the maids💀💀....

I think thats not implemented yet 


I have an idea about how to approach this, but it's still about 2 or 3 updates away.

yeah after checking out this project for a few months now it has it's charm which is great game honestly you did yourself a great job indeed having a game like this that is cheesy at times but you know there's genuinely nothing bad with that.

The reason I just commented out of no where is because of an suggestion so now that you can have Iris as an alarm wake up option instead of Emily only and Iris only there should be an option where both can alternate in their maid cycle on room cleaning would make kinda sense as well but that's just a suggestion. Other than that tho there's like awkward looping on the pool scene of Kate (well maybe that's just a meme problem) and some black-ish dialogue box appearing for a bit then disappearing I mean if this is intentional then hey no worries it's fine I thought I would at least just mention it.

But yeah other than that keep up the great work, do it at your own pace and ofc have fun while doing so will check out your other games in the future cause honestly it ain't bad at all.

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