[UPDATE] Bugfix update 1.03 and new project imminent

Hey everyone, we have another small bugfix update for you.

UPDATE: 1 more bug was found, and some minor changes were made to the Leyla dream based on feedback, so there's another small update to version 1.03.
Unless someone finds another major issue, this will definitely be the final patch for the game.

Changelog patch 1.03 (new):

  • Fixed that Jenna showed up in seduction options before joining the mansion.
  • When you're first asked whether you want a certain Leyla scene to be a dream or a memory, the choice is now permanent (unless you change it later via cheats on the laptop in your room).
  • Made some changes to the dream variant of the Leyla scene, to make it clearer it's just a dream.

Changelog patch 1.02:

  • A small Emily dialogue in the dungeon now only plays 1 time, as intended.
  • Transition from the above dialogue to the sandbox options improved.
  • Fixed some Leyla dialogue lines in her lewd library scene that made no sense in chapter 1 and early chapter 2.
    She now uses different lines in ch1 and the first week of ch2.
  • Fixed some dialogue playing twice when headpatting Iris in the library. 
  • Fixed a few remaining typos. 
  • Cleaned up a few unused music files (Android and full PC/Mac builds only).

Finally, a little heads-up:

Our new project's first release is now content-complete and only needs some polishing.
It's only a matter of days now.

UPDATE: Release of our new project is currently slated for tomorrow, unless we run into some major issue at the last minute.

Stay tuned!


TM! Patch from v1.0x to v1.03 for PC 10 MB
43 days ago
Total Maidness! [v1.03] (Android) 965 MB
43 days ago
Total Maidness! [v1.03] (PC) 946 MB
43 days ago
Total Maidness! [v1.03] (Mac) 932 MB
43 days ago

Get Total Maidness! (NSFW 18+)


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That was fast, cheers ;)