Update 0.16 ready, release schedule

Update 0.16 is finally ready!

It is out now for the 5$ tier and above on Patreon.
For lower tiers and the public release, the schedule is as follows:

Mansion Heir (Lv2) release: Next Monday (July 17th)
Supporter (Lv1) release: Next Thursday (July 20th)
Public release: In 2 weeks (July 27th)

Highlights include an improved progression system, a gallery, maid stats and skills (those will player a bigger role in chapter 2 that begins with this update), some older scenes were remastered (in terms of graphics), and a number of other improvements.

This update also marks the start of Chapter 2, giving the maids a new outfit and adding Iris to the roster.

In general, 0.16 was a painful birth, because we revamped a lot of the underlying code, which required tons of testing and cursing to get done. That's why 0.16 is a bit lighter on new content, despite the belated release (otherwise it would've taken even longer).
You can expect update 0.17 to follow either faster or with notably more new content. Still, 0.16 brings a slew of improvements that are worth trying out.

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